coolwolf / 24/02/2014

Free / OpenSource Project Management systems to try

1. achievo 1.4.5

When you try to install, you will see the following error :
There are some suggestions to turn on STRICT mode. But i think this is a logic error. And as a sofwtare developer i can say “If there is one logic error, be sure there are more”.
So for 1.4.5 achievo is not for me.

Critical: Unknown error: 1366 (Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'lastupdatedby' at row 1).
error: [+3.50077s / 0.00086s] Unknown error: 1366 (Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'lastupdatedby' at row 1)

2. The Bug Genie

I see the following error. And i can not upgrade my php version easily.

This software requires PHP 5.3.0 or newer, but you have an older version. Please upgrade.

4. Project Open

It looks wonderfull. But i can not install exe file on my host.

6. ProjectPier
Very simple, easy and helpfull installation.
Easy to use. It allows customer (client) logins.
Notes for users :
If you want your customers to add tickets here is a solution from Lars :

comment out following lines (410-412) in file application/plugins/tickets/models/ProjectTicket.class.php
//      if(!$user->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) {
//        return false; // user that is not member of owner company can't access private objects
//      } // if

coolwolf / 21/02/2014

Hylafax, how to delete fax jobs as root

When you want to delete a fax job in queue, you will receive “504 cannot kill job operation not permitted”
Even if you try to remove faxes as root, system will not give you permission.
To solve this, first see the job numbers using this command

faxstat -s

After that remove the fax jobs using this command :

faxrm -v -u nobody <JOBID>

Please note: nobody is the owner of fax job. You get this information on previous command.

coolwolf / 10/02/2014

ClearOS / Centos ROUND_CEILING hatası

Defalarca ve değişik konfigürasyonlarda kurmayı denememe rağmen, bir türlü kuramadığım ClearOS’u nihayet kurdum.
Her kurma denememde içinde ROUND_CEILING geçen bir hata aldım. Internetin altını üstüne getirdim. Her ne hikmetse benden önce k8mse bu hata ile karşılaşmamış.
Tesadüfen kurulum dilini English seçtiğimde hiç hatasız kuruluverdi.
Eğer siz de ClearOS yada Centos kurarken hard disk partition şeklini seçtikten sonra hata alıyorsanız, kurulum dilini English yapmayı deneyiniz.
Ecnebiler için:
If you get some error which contains ROUND_CEILING when installing ClearOS or Centos, just change the installation language to English.