Free / OpenSource Project Management systems to try

coolwolf / 24/02/2014

1. achievo 1.4.5

When you try to install, you will see the following error :
There are some suggestions to turn on STRICT mode. But i think this is a logic error. And as a sofwtare developer i can say “If there is one logic error, be sure there are more”.
So for 1.4.5 achievo is not for me.

Critical: Unknown error: 1366 (Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'lastupdatedby' at row 1).
error: [+3.50077s / 0.00086s] Unknown error: 1366 (Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'lastupdatedby' at row 1)

2. The Bug Genie

I see the following error. And i can not upgrade my php version easily.

This software requires PHP 5.3.0 or newer, but you have an older version. Please upgrade.

4. Project Open

It looks wonderfull. But i can not install exe file on my host.

6. ProjectPier
Very simple, easy and helpfull installation.
Easy to use. It allows customer (client) logins.
Notes for users :
If you want your customers to add tickets here is a solution from Lars :

comment out following lines (410-412) in file application/plugins/tickets/models/ProjectTicket.class.php
//      if(!$user->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) {
//        return false; // user that is not member of owner company can't access private objects
//      } // if

FILED UNDER : Programlama


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