coolwolf / 28/11/2015

SmarterMail 0x80004005 error

If you receive this message after migrate users to SmarterMail:
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

  1. goto smartermail domains folder and delete all migrated domains.
  2. goto Service directory, edit domainList.xml and remove all migrated domain entries.
  3. restart the SmarterMail service
  4. login and create a domain without any extra info
  5.  Now migrate all domains again.
  6. Find the domainConfig.xml file for manually created domain. Open it on editor and copy the content.
  7. Stop the SmarterMail service.
  8. Please remove following entries from XML file (may be it is not neccessary. But i am not SmarterMail expert.)

a) <AlertProfileItem>
b) <AlertProfileItem>
c) <ThemeConfig>
9. Paste the content into each domainConfig.xml file of migrated domain’s folders.